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What the title says. “Sunday afternoon at an anime convention” is a big mood, because it’s a complex of moods, the specific combination of which happens only at an anime con on Sunday. I went with “Sunday afternoon” because Sunday morning doesn’t last long enough. Friday lasts forever, Saturday moves at its own pace, while Sunday is almost gone in the blink of an eye, the afternoon is there before you know it. While there are the pop-up conventions that only run for one day on Saturday, or the giants that run until Monday, the vast majority of them end on Sunday, and that’s the vibe many con-goers are familiar with.

There’s a lot going on. The exhaustion that’s hot on the heels of Saturday’s euphoria, which in turn was influenced by Friday’s excited anticipation. The fatigue of having woken up too early to check out of the room after entirely not enough sleep and getting all of your luggage out. The limbo of no longer having a room to keep all your stuff in but you’re not ready to leave yet. The empty wallets and purses, save for just enough money to pay for parking and gas to get home. A handful of cosplayers showing off their craft one last time. The dwindling options of things to do on the schedule. The tired faces of staffers as they wind things down; for the sooner they start that process, the sooner they too can go home. The murmurs of goodbyes among the thinning crowds, some said to you, some said by you. Conditional promises of seeing each other at the next convention if those Other Things don’t get in the way, as we know they can.

Many of these moods contradict each other, amplified when put in contrast. You are simultaneously re-energized and completely spent, ecstatic and melancholy, rested and sleep-deprived, satisfied and yearning. You’re hungry for something with nutritional value but you’ve made up your mind that you’ll stop somewhere on the way home for a pile of greasy fried food. Your mind is vacant yet full of thoughts in need of processing. You don’t want the party to end but you know it’s about to; it must. You want to stay, you want to leave. The convention is now a shell of its former self compared to yesterday evening. The bigger the convention was, the more stark and overbearing the kenopsia becomes. Do you try to wring out that last hour or two of value from your badge before it becomes nothing more than a memento? Do you roam the convention space? People-watch in the hotel lobby? Go to whatever video or panel room is still running? Do you attend Closing Ceremonies to witness the official end? Or do you decide that you had your fun and now it’s time to start the journey home?

Maybe you have a flight to catch or you’re trying to get ahead of some bad weather and that makes the choice for you. Maybe you live locally and home being only minutes away gives you the luxury of leaving whenever. Maybe you have reasons to stay in the area another day. More likely, you’re facing a long trip home and you know you’re not getting back before dark, or possibly that day. Mundane life awaits, for better or worse, sooner or later. You have things you know you need to do. You know you’ll need to unpack, physically and mentally. You know that the weekend changed you, and you’re now a different person than you were 48 hours ago.

That’s what Sunday afternoon at an anime convention is about.


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Anime reviews: Super Slayers edition

Slayers has been around for a long time and I’ve always been something of a fan of it. Now I’ve seen the main TV series, and that was easy to get, but the OVAs have always eluded me for various reasons. Usually I’d only get to see them if at a convention. Over the last few years, I managed to finally find all of them, and get them all in one pile of anime to watch. Some of these I have seen, some I have not.

This is less of an actual review, and more of a treat for myself, as well as possibly a guide for anyone who wants to watch the OVA/movie side of the Slayers franchise. Or at least tune in for Naga’s top-tier ojou-sama laugh. We all know she’s the master of it. What’s better than Naga laughing? Eleven Nagas laughing.

Lina may have small boobs and no cleavage but she’s clearly not tsurupettan. She has at least enough for a handful going on. I’d play with ‘em. By anime standards, or when standing next to Naga or Amelia, I guess they’re small. In terms of direct comparison to actual people, Lina’s boobs are realistic. Meanwhile, we have characters like Konata from Lucky Star. Now that girl is flat, but she doesn’t get worked up over it. She wears that flatness like a badge of honor.

The theme songs of the OVAs, movies, and the main TV series have stood the test of time. Perhaps nostalgia has something to do with it, but I’ve found that nostalgia can’t save everything. It usually doesn’t. And yet, I can listen to songs like “Midnight Blue”, “Nemurenai Yoru Wa” and “Run All the Way” and still feel somewhat pumped up.

Maybe there’s a proper order to watch these in. I don’t think it really matters. These have always been about the Lina/Naga dynamic with no over-arching plots connecting them. As for where these take place in the larger Slayers continuity, most of these (except for Premium) take place before the TV series.

Slayers Excellent
Slayers Special
Slayers Perfect
Slayers Return
Slayers Great
Slayers Gorgeous
Slayers Premium

I've been meaning to get around to watching these.


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Anime reviews of 2022

What makes an anime good or bad? Is it the story? The writing? The art? The content? Maybe it’s something you just don’t agree with. Maybe it triggers a bad memory, in which case you’re excused. I’ve certainly been there.

The context of when, where, and how an anime is viewed is important. A good movie or show that’s shoved down your throat will tend to leave a bad taste in your mouth. Or if watching it requires unbearable conditions, you’ll be reminded of that stain every time said show gets mentioned.

On the other hand, if a truly awful anime is presented in the right circumstances, it’ll be remembered that much more fondly. If you’re going to watch bad anime, or bad anything, watch it with good friends. I mean, if you think about it, that’s the whole point of Mystery Science Theater 3000, and the theater showings of Rocky Horror Picture Show. You’re not there to enjoy something good, you’re there to celebrate how bad it was by making fun of it.

Anime in general requires a healthy suspension of disbelief in the first place. Bad anime, however you might define it, requires a really strong suspension of disbelief, and for many people, they just can’t. I, however, have a suspension of disbelief beyond that of most people.

But sometimes, the shows you remember the most, are the ones that get to you somehow. They say something you didn’t know you needed to hear.

Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko
Don’t Lose, Makendo!
Trouble Chocolate
Sentimental Journey
Ghost Talker’s Daydream
Lunar Legend Tsukihime
Samurai: Hunt for the Sword
Magical Play

Old anime? Cheesy anime? Yes.


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Ain’t gonna lie, I’ve been busy the past bunch of months. Getting one car fixed, then the other one, getting my vaccines done, and all kinds of fucking around. Sometimes it’s more important than watching anime, and that’s just what being an adult is about. Eventually I gotta stop, decompress, get my Vitamin Anime, and chill out so I don’t go crazy. Everything in moderation including moderation.

Shit happens, and you gotta keep up with it. Therein lies the secret to making adulthood tolerable: Leveling up faster than life. And adults face a lot of work, and most of it is unnecessary. You have to figure out which work is actually important and stick with that. Gotta pick your battles.

This list might be shorter than in previous articles, but this also doesn’t include the current anime I’ve been keeping up with. Oh yeah, I should also add this bit of information: The .avi files encoded in XVID from 15-20 years ago? Those do not do well on a 4K display. Just sayin’.

Petite Princess Yucie
Saint October
Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn
Natsuki Crisis!
Mamotte Shugogetten
Ground Defense Force Mao-chan
High Guardian Spice (dropped)
World of Narue
Yamibou: Darkness, the Hat, and the Travelers of the Books

Getting back to that anime watching.


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Before I got into anime, I was into model trains. HO scale specifically. I was also into Lego, and still am, but that’s beside the point right now. I’ll touch on that another time. The point here is, I’m going to mention a bunch of model railroad stores that may or may not be of interest to you. This article is somewhat dynamic, I will come back every now and then and update bits of info as I see fit.

In which I offer some short summaries of model railroad stores in the PA/MD area. Roughly.


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