News and updates:

The anime reviews have started back up in a different form, and there is also a really long ass article about con burnout in the anime conventions section.  Also a handy article about model railroad stores in the PA region.

I've started to reassess the older content on this site, which I've had for a long time. Some of it has withstood the test of time, some of it will stay solely as a representation of its time, and some of it will likely get declared as neither and thus removed.

On one hand, I understand that there is no rough draft on the internet, that anything posted will somehow stay there forever. I also understand that the older content on many sites serves as an archive, a reference, a tome of ancient knowledge. On the other hand, times change. People change. We can't let our current selves be defined by what we said or did whole decades ago and haven't said or done since.

Trimmed out some dead links, fixed a few things here and there.

We've updated our privacy policy. Wait, there wasn't one in the first place. Not that it matters, since this site doesn't collect data. There might be a cookie or two from visiting some of the sub-sections but honestly, you can block those if you want.

The article on the 2012 road trip is around here somewhere. Seek and ye shall find. I'm too lazy to post a link.

At some point I also need to upload the pictures I took from a Brickfair thing I went to that year. Because I like Lego.

Find meeeee, if you dare.

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Cellular: (private)

Websites under construction are simply lovely, yes? These links actually work now! They might not go very far, but they do work. In the meantime, go ahead and amuse yourselves with events in my life.

Got some words? Beam them to me. You should be able to guess what to change to make it work. (If you can't figure it out, then maybe it's for the best that you not send anything.)